Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Same kid, different disappointment

So here is the next one up.  This was a Squier Affinity Precision bass brought to me by my buddy Luke Malewicz.  This was his students, the owner of the SX bass I worked on before with the busted truss rod.  Well this kid has no luck with basses apparently.  The bass looked just like this.

So Luke gave me this one just saying that it wasn't making any sound (again!?).  So I opened it up and found this
The wiring was all goofy.  I don't know who wired this, if it was the factory or another repair guy, but it was weird.  So I found a P Bass wiring diagram and completely re wired it.  I was getting sound know but a lot of buzz and not a lot of signal.  Tried an alternative wiring, but same issues.  So I called my good friend Carl Pedigo and brought it over to his shop.  He double checked my wiring and found an issue.  When I went about re wiring everything I had forgotten to ground the volume pot.  He fixed that up and the hum was mostly gone.  But we were still not getting very much signal.  Carl took out the pickup and checked it with the multimeter.  It was reading all over the place.  Turns out there was a problem with wiring inside the pickup.  So that explained the low output and remaining hum.  Brought the bass back to Luke.  We will see if the kid wants to get the pickup replaced.  If he does, this will be back on my bench soon.
6. Squier Affinity P Bass
- Rewired electronics
- Cleaned and Setup
- P Pickup broken

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