Thursday, October 17, 2013

2nd Repair... 1st disappointment

So for my second repair for Low Down Instrument Repair I will keep with the "friends who are band directors" theme.  This must mean I am getting old... all my musician friends are becoming teachers!
My buddy Luke has a student who is a bass player.  I grabbed this bass from Luke with the only explanation of what was wrong being "It doesn't all.  No sound."  Pulled the bass out and noticed it is a decent looking SX bass.  Terrible finish on the body but some real nice figuring on the maple neck.
One major problem I noticed right away was the action.
NOW THAT IS SOME HIGH ACTION!  So first thing I did was to address the "No Sound" issue.  Took off the cavity cover and sure enough there it was.
The second wire connecting to the output jack was detached. So removed the broken wire and old solder and re-soldered up everything and it was good as new.  With one major issue.  The neck pickup was real weak on the E and A string.  I am guessing the pickup is partially dead.  Didn't look into it because as soon as I got the electronics working I got a call from Luke saying that this wasn't his students main bass... and his student didn't really care about this bass so I didn't have to repair it.  So I said screw the pickup and lets just try to get a set up going for fun.  Shimmed the neck and nothing changed.  Lowered the saddles and it helped a very little bit.  Went at the truss rod and surprisingly this thing was sporting a dual action truss rod.  I tried my best with the truss to make something happen but it always ended up the same.  The tension felt real weird with this bass and I could bend the neck WAY to much.  So my guess is the truss rod is busted.  I tried every possible adjustment and no luck.  So this one goes back to the student with slightly lower action (but still WAY TOO DAMN HIGH).  But hey, at least it is making sound now.  Best bet with this one would be to scrap the neck and pickups and sell the body and hardware.  I would not suggest anybody buy one of these basses.  The Squier seemed much better quality.  One thing that bothered me about both the SX and Squier was the gig bags my buddies gave them to me in.  They might as well just wrap the thing in a garbage bag.  I can't believe these companies charge for these gig bags.
3.  SX Jazz Bass
-Re soldered wires to output jack
- Attempted setup.  Truss rod more than likely broken.

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